Monday, September 15, 2008


(I have a big post to write about the Night of the Senses ball on Friday night. It was a very different atmosphere to that of the Rubber Ball last week, but still brilliant. At one point I was standing on a stool in a room full of people in various states of undress and debauchery, singing Life Is A Cabaret from Cabaret in impassioned tones through my microphone as a semi-naked man accompanied me on the bongos. There is something I need to say first, though.)

Back in 2005 I had a nasty experience involving an unwelcome visitor in the flat in which I was living at the time. I wrote all about it here.

Fast-forward three years and that experience is a fading memory. I do, however, feel I have a heightened sense of security and privacy as a result. When alone in a house, even in my parents’ house, I still do find myself sitting still and rigid, listening for evidence of some malevolent intruder.

After the ball on Friday my friend Lily stayed over at my house. By about midday on Saturday we were still under the covers, discussing the night before amid glorious girly giggles. Each of us in one of my night dresses and sipping cups of tea.

The door bell rang. I looked up from tea and chats, confused. In central London people don’t just ring doorbells. They call first to announce themselves. Perhaps, I thought, one of my housemates had left their key and their phone somewhere, and needed to be let in. I got out of bed and started looking for my dressing gown to put on. Taking my time, still chattering with Lily, I left the room.

I started making my way down the stairs, then stopped, frozen, halfway down. A startled-looking teenage boy stood in the hall, facing me. The front door was swinging open, wide onto the busy Brixton street.

My brain leapt to a reasonable explanation. The door had been left open and he had been ringing the bell to alert us to the fact. Something reasonable. Laughable.

Then I saw the key in his hand, and walked down the rest of the stairs.

“What are you doing?” I asked, simply.

“Um, yeah. I rang the bell.” He gestured towards the door as if to illustrate this point.

“Right.” I pulled my thin dressing gown around me as realisation dawned. “Wait, you have a key? Why the hell do you have a key?”

It transpired that he was from an estate agent down the road. Not, I hasten to add, the estate agents that we are with. Different ones.

“The landlord said we could come in and do an evaluation.”

“Oh” I said. “Did you have an appointment?”

“Nah, but the landlord, said, like, if nobody answered, just come in.”

I rarely lose my temper. I am rather good at sulking, at brooding and thinking dark thoughts, but I cannot remember the last time I truly lost it. Those times are indeed rare, but this was definitely one of them.

I went, for want of a more sophisticated phrase, completely mental. This moronic teenager stood there, backing out of the door whilst I told him exactly what I thought of his estate agency, of the landlord, and of him. I raved at him, a wild woman with insane hair and not very many clothes, feeling righteous anger bubble and pour tumultuously from my mouth.

Eventually I let him go, acknowledging that if he had been told to let himself in then he wasn’t solely to blame, but also in complete disbelief that anybody could be so stupid as to let themselves into someone else’s house without permission.

Then I called my estate agent. They weren’t there (it was a Saturday) so I told the answer phone what I thought. I was so, so angry and I told them as much. I wanted, I said, to know exactly what had happened, and for them to call me first thing on Monday morning. First thing.

They, of course, did not call.

At ten thirty this morning I called them. I was put through to a dismally stupid-sounding woman called Kelly, who informed me in bored tones that they had called my housemate, Ed, to apologise to him. Had I not spoken to him? “Yeah, he’s our point of contact, Lee-oh-neee. So we called him.”

I explained that I had specifically told them to call me. That they had my number, and that I had left it in the answer phone message just in case.

Then Kelly, having clearly run out of brain cells for the week, saw fit to tell me off for my tone of voice in the answer phone message. Instead of apologising profusely for a massive error on the part of her company, she decided to chastise me for reacting to it the way I did.

“I can understand it wasn’t a nice thing to happen, Lee-oh-nee, but we are looking into it and your message really upset the girl who checks the answering machines. There was really no need.”

For someone who doesn’t often lose my temper, it was an odd sensation to have twice in the space of three days.

“How dare you tell me off for my tone of voice when thanks to you I came downstairs to find a strange man in my house. I refuse to be spoken to like that.”

Kelly, in her infinite wisdom, thought best to tell me off a bit more.

The rest of the conversation was the most aggravating one I have had in a long time. Being reprimanded by someone with the intellectual capacity of half a slice of ham, and having her whining, patronising tones slithering down the telephone at me was too much to bear. I hung up.

So, what to do? We have two months left on our contract in the house (a contract that clearly states that they must give us twenty-four hours notice before a visit, and that we have a right to veto that visit). My housemates were not there and have not had the same previous experiences as I have. They are, needless to say, not at all as upset about the whole thing as I am. However, entering a house without permission is breaking and entering, whether it is by means of a key or by means of smashing the front door in. I know from painful first hand experience the possible consequences of having a stranger in the house.

I want an apology for that, as well as compensation. I know it shrieks of this hysterically litigious society we’re in, but I am deeply upset by it. I also want an apology from the estate agent Kelly for treating me like an errant five year old and not calling me immediately to discuss what had happened.

Please let me know what you think. My past experience has made me more sensitive to this, but no matter which way I turn it I cannot see that I am being over-sensitive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lad was lucky it was your house and not mine. I'd probably have beaten him round the head with a frying pan (or shot him). Then I'd have gone and burned down the estate agents (well actually I might have waited 'till Monday when they were in).

Stick to your guns. Demand compensation. Take them to the small claims court if they don't respond promptly. When you demand compensation from them, make it clear that you will be taking them to court if they do not reply.

Further demand they put in writing to you that they will not do such a thing in future.


6:48 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right. Call the Citizens' Advice Bureau (or whatever they call it these days) and get some advice from them. Lawyers are expensive, and they will know more about the proper channels for doing stuff and complaining and the proper form for things like witholding rent.

Then, armed with knowledge, I would write a letter to the estate agents very calmly explaining why you are so upset (horrible break-in a few years ago), that you are apologetic for your 'tone' (you don't actually have to be sorry, just pretend) but that you were incredibly upset (reitterate the break-in story) and they were insensitive. They are still in the wrong, hon and even if your reaction to it is stronger than most people's would have been, you were really upset and deserve an apology as a bare minimum. If you write it in a letter, your rage won't rise up (or if it does you can re-write before you send).

If that doesn't work I'll go round and stab them in the face.

7:05 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first thing to do is to make sure you have the right person to speak to. Phone up the agency and find out the person at the top is. If it's a non chain, it's the owner. If it's a chain it's the branch manager.

I'll assume it's a chain. Make sure you get the details for the Branch manager. Customer Services. Find out the owner or CEO's name as well. Get email, fax, normal mail and phone numbers if you can)

Then send a letter to all three (owner/CEO, branch manager, customer services) saying the following.

1. Detail what happened
2. Detail why this was in breach of the contract and or the law
3. Detail the woeful inadequacy it was dealt with and who was involved in this (and who was not involved but should have been)
4. Detail what you expected to happen the firs time around.

Then decide on what you want to happen now. A break in the contract, a refund in agency fees, an apology, all three etc etc. Lay this out precisely and unambiguously.

Then detail when you expect to hear acknowledgement of your communications by (depends on what medium (mail/fax/email) you send your letter by.) Then detail how long after they have acknowledged your communications you expect to resolution by.

Finally explain that if you don't get acknowledgement or resolution what you plan to do. Try be very precise and try make it real (i.e. "I'll go to the press" is probably not that big a threat unless you really know who to speak to).. I suggest things along the line of lodging a legal compliant. It helps here if you have a lawyer friend who can advise or at least help you write the right sort of threats. You can also report them to the town council as well as the estate agents groups. I would suggest 3-4 distinct sharp and actionable items.

Make sure your contact details are clear on the communications and then send it via the best means possible. If it's post, send it recorded delivery. If it's fax, phone to confirm the fax was received immediately after sending.

Then wait till they acknowledge the communications and respond.

If there is no adequate response, proceed down your list of actions you detailed you would follow if you didn't get adequate resolution.

7:35 pm

Blogger justme said...

Put your complaint in writing to them sweetheart. To the manager of the firm. Otherwise, the person you are complaining about, can simply reply to the complaint, if you see what I mean.
You wont get anywhere in the small claims court. You would have to show financial loss....thats what they are about. Emotional trauma doesn't count. But you are totally entitled to be as outraged as you were, and are entitled (morally.....NOT legally) to heve someone say 'sorry'. And you need to pursue it, so that they don't just do that to someone else! Big hug .......I might have been tempted to render him unconscious and chuck him out the door. And, just a suggestion.....maybe get a chain on the door?
I'm so sorry you went through that. I went back and read your old post and completely see why you were upset.

7:42 pm

Blogger Badass Geek said...

I have a firm grasp on my temper, but I would have lost it in that situation, too.

7:57 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things never change. Same thing happened to me back in Oxford in 1989 (I was working there, I don't have the brains for the uni).

Saturday morning, agent rings the door with clients in tow. I was about 2 months into a 6 month lease. Gave them short shrift, and stomped off to the agency to give them a piece of my mind. Only difference was, I think the agent was as surprised as me.

Paul (from Jo Divine)

8:10 pm

Blogger Peach said...

get the number of the owner/most senior person you can in the company and complain to them explaining that you have access to millions of people via your writing and you demand compensation or you will otherwise ruin them....

(seriously, glad you're ok and I am v impressed that you reclaimed your disposable camera from that guy a few years ago! You really should take this further, don't apologise and don't even mention your previous experience to them, they had no right to enter the house as they had no permission and you could take them to court for intruding)

and I'm also sorry that you had insult to the injury by that utter twat who didn't call you to apologise...

I REALLY HATE ESTATE AGENTS - go for compensation, at least £1k

10:34 pm

Blogger Peach said...

ps - if you've read Out of the Tunnel by Rachel North (survivor of the London Bombings) you will realise why this sort of thing is utterly unforgivable (she was raped and half killed on her doorstep by an intruder)

not to scare you, just to encourage you to make sure they don't ever enter without written permission again

10:39 pm

Blogger boohoo said...

You're definitely not being over-sensitive! If I was you I'd go down to the estate agent and speak to the Kelly woman's boss. Then I'd have it out with the estate agent about the visit. I too hate estate agents and spent the first six months after moving in here having to go down the office every month to argue with them about getting my bond back after they basically stole money off the landlord! Hate them!

3:14 pm

Blogger Léonie said...

Thank you everyone. For the practical advice, but also just reassuring me that I am not over-reacting.

I am spurred on to act, certainly. I am still raging.

4:39 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd get the locks changed - pronto! Sod them. Put yourself first.

8:56 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, jesus wept.

No practical advice (though CAB sound a good bet), but rest assured your fury is not misplaced.

10:24 pm

Blogger Wierdo said...

I feel for you, I really do. Estate agents are the only people I've been really angry with in a long time. Mine was a similar experience to yours - we'd recieved a letter saying that they were going to do a fire check the next day, fairy snuff. I got back from my lectures the next afternoon and found that my drawers had been gone through. I know this for 2 reasons:
1. I keep my drawers in order, from left to right it's PJ's, socks, tights, underwear.
2. my diary was not in the drawer, it was on my bed.
So i stormed to the estage agents, lodged a formal complaint and then did nothing about it because I was busy with exams and drinking.

So I implore you to do something, I'd agree with most people and say CAB.

Give 'em hell for me too please.

2:55 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, you're not being over-sensitive. Yes, your past experiences have meant that it was a bigger deal for you than it might have been for someone else, but they weren't to know that. They put you in the position of having a stranger in your home, and were insensitive in the way they handled it afterwards. You have a right to be angry.

By the way... the reason I came here was (a) to say I am readingYou're Not The only One and really enjoyed your piece in it. I would have felt exactly the same way as you, and to be honest think Feist shouldn't have let the silly man use her gig to carry out such a desperate plan. Whether or not it had a happy ending, it was emotional blackmail of a pretty bad kind. I never approve of public marriage proposals, they're so unfair on the proposee (unless it's just a formality and they already know they want to get married).

And the other thing... was that I see you're moving to Manchester (where I've lived happily for the last 21 years), so I thought I'd extend an open invitation to meet up for coffee and/or baby-cuddling (am currently nursing a 9-week-old) if you find yourself lonely and/or bored. I think we met at Andre's birthday blogmeet in London a couple of years ago.

3:23 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nail 'em

Spend £30 - Get a solicitor to write a letter on your behalf quoting the contract (which they have broken).

Watch them collapse.

incidentally, I have just come back after several weeks to catch up with your blog and I find you have written huge Tolstoyian tracts of great stuff that I just have to read! How very dare you!

12:39 pm

Blogger Blewyn said...

"I know it shrieks of this hysterically litigious society"

Nononono ! In order to change their behaviour, there needs to be an unpleasant consequence for them so that they will develop an aversion. It is your DUTY to pursue this matter in the proper manner (which has already been described above) through a solicitor, for the benefit of us all ! Your action could be a cog in the machine which will eventually result in estate agents across the country abandoning this practice (entering without permission) altogether.

I have spoken !

10:13 am

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This comment has been removed by the author.

7:17 am

Blogger Unknown said...

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11:56 am

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12:04 pm

Anonymous Summer 2016 Olympics said...

Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games Opening Ceremony is officially known to take place on 5th of August 2016, Friday evening in Maracanã Stadium of the Rio de Janeiro at 20:00 BRT (23:00 UTC). Rio 2016 Olympics Opening Ceremony.

12:10 pm

Anonymous August 2016 Olympic said...

Olympics 2016 Closing Ceremony is on 21st Aug 2016 at Maracana Stadium.

12:03 pm

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