Friday, November 06, 2009

Is That You?

Oh? Hi!

Hey! Hiya! Hello.

How's life? Alright?

Me? Yeah, yeah. Fine. Good. Good!

You? You alright? Haven't seen you in, no. Yeah, ages. God.

I've just been busy, you know? Still, probably my fault.

Um, still in Manchester. No, not gone on X-Factor yet, no, ha ha, um, LOL.

Oh God. This format is not sustainable but, honestly, I have no idea how on earth to write a Returning To Blogging post without cavorting recklessly into some classic blogging trap or other (e.g. wondering rather desperately whether Anyone Is Out There? and if so whether and how much they've missed me). I would quite like to neatly summarize my life as it has been in the last few months but am incapable of doing anything neatly, as demonstrated by my fringe after I whimsically attacked it with the kitchen scissors some weeks back. (Ironically, that is a pretty neat example.)

I suppose I can say the following things:

1. Manchester. I am still living in it. It is still raining on me. As it turns out, fairly excellently: Rain + Fringe = Much Shitter Fringe.

2. Music. I am still doing it, singing and writing and the like. I like to think the fringe adds a institution-ish air to my latest efforts. This is an delusion I am fighting to maintain.

3. Men. I am still living with Ben, although I have had to insist that he wears a blindfold until the fringe grows out. I do not consider this to be unreasonable.

4. Money. I work in a café and do singing workshops in schools. Both are quite fun. I am a better workshop leader than I am a barista, but maybe I will combine the two and make la-la-lattes or cappuccin-ooooohs. (The fringe does not really come into this one much.)

I want to start blogging again but I don't know how. I'm pretty sure that the best way is not to blurt out a few poorly-chosen, unfunny sentences that barely make any sense, but this is the route I have decided upon and I am sticking with it.

More soon, for sure.


Blogger Dan Harvey said...

Hurrah! You have been missed, was worried you might be temping again.

9:32 pm

Blogger Devil's Kitchen said...

Good to have you back. Blog on, fair lady, blog on...


10:30 pm

Blogger Huw said...

For the cappuccin-ooooohs alone, this return was worthwhile.

10:16 am

Blogger Mr London Street said...

The whole concept of a la-la-latte is magnificent, doesn't that make you a ba-ba-barista?

10:48 am

Blogger Ellie said...

Yes! Yes! Yes, you were missed!

And your return couldn't have been any better. You popped up. Dropped some news. And gave us a laugh.

Is it odd to miss someone on the Internet?

xx, e

1:00 pm

Blogger Pochyemu said...

Where is your email address? I cannot find it! Send me one at pochyemu@gmail plleeaase regarding the paarrtayyy! xx

2:04 pm

Blogger Léonie said...

Dan - You make temping sound like some sort of awful addiction. I suppose it is a bit like smack but without the highs.

DK - Thank you for your deliciously nineteenth century encouragement. *sweeping curtsey*

Huw - Thank you. You know I trust your internal joke-o-meter inherently, so I feel much validated (this sounds sarcastic, but isn't) (if I was a different person entirely I might have written a winking face, or even LOL, but I swore an oath and am not going back on it).

Mr London Street - I like ba-ba-barista. A lot. Quite jazzy. I will use that next time I go in, and claim it as my own.

Ellie - Aw thank you. That's so lovely. xxxx

Pochyemu - I have emailed! I want to prty! (Is it cool to take letters out of words or only put in extra ones? Does that make it text speak? Is vry confsng.)

9:37 pm

Anonymous impish little sister said...

oh good good good

10:51 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back!

11:30 am

Blogger justmeagain said...

Oh good! You are back. AND you are coming to the *PARTAY* Yay!!
I have had to shut my blog down and start again and I am also finding it hard to know what to say.

4:50 pm

Blogger Jonathan Beckett said...

I need to be a better reader of blogs than I have been for quite some time.

I always find people watching makes blogging easy - the problem with that though is finding the time to sit and watch people.

Your blog is great btw.

12:13 am

Blogger Miss Devylish said...

Yay! I'VE missed you! Duh. Glad you're back in the trenches w/ the rest of us.. sort of. :) Sparkly ponies await!

1:07 am


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