Monday, December 07, 2009

Right Now...

I can't stop eating chocolate HobNobs. I know how I react to chocolate HobNobs, that they are my nutritional kryptonite and I am Not To Be Trusted in the same room as them. Yet even armed with this certain knowledge, I bought some from the shop only moments ago. The man behind the counter selfishly sold them to me, in spite of the fact that I had obviously meant to pick up a small packet of walnuts and an improving broadsheet.

I am Home Alone. The cat is making himself scarce, presumably for fear of being taken for a HobNob and swallowed whole. Ben is down South. Spye (housemate) was around, but now isn't. I am pleased, as nobody should have to witness this biscuit frenzy. He was downstairs smoking and talking about washing up, but now he is quiet. No washing up has been undertaken.

It's quiet. I have to work early tomorrow, then rehearse, so an early night is an excellent thing to have. Really, though, I want to stay up late, eating biscuits and watching bad horror films. This would lead to a night of clutching wakefully at the duvet and staring tensely into the dark, while the cat waited for the perfect moment to give me a heart attack by jumping softly onto the bed.

I will eat one more HobNob, then go to sleep. The sugar will send me right off.

Good night.


Anonymous Fi said...

I love chocolate hob nobs. Now I can't stop thinking about the packet sitting in my cupboard at home.....

(Incidentally, I awoke after going to bed last night and was a little peckish so I too was burning the chocolate hobnob midnight oil.)

I think I'm going to have to go to the corner shop..

9:41 am

Blogger Ellie said...

I have a new enemy in the form of a new brand (new for me anyway) of buttery toffee popcorn. Tesco has devilishly started pimping this shit out to John's like me. I cannot help myself. At least I take the time to floss my teeth after I finish off a bag (all by myself). x, e

12:28 am

Blogger Jonathan Beckett said...

Be strong! Perhaps there should be some kind of society to gather against the force of evil that is chocolate hobnobs.

Kind of like the temperance thing from the 1930s.

1:32 pm

Blogger said...

Smarphone Xiaomi Mi Note 2 so hot

10:18 am


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