Happy New Year, And A Pony
I feel that perhaps I should write something exciting, life-altering or maybe even interesting to hail in 2007, but that seems like too much of a challenge so I think I'll just have to stick to slightly boring and more than slightly self-obsessed.
I am sitting at home now, suffering still from some fairly enthusiastic New Year's celebrations which took place in Bruges, Belgium.
Much immense fun was had by all fourteen of us, despite some possibly ill-advised shot choices and high-energy dancing in bars full of unimpressed Belgians. Also attempting to dance on a rather melty ice-rink whilst holding cups of gluhwien, due to which all the girls managed to fall over one by one and spend the rest of the night with wet arses.
I am trying to make some resolutions but all I have come up with so far is "avoid sambuca", which doesn't seem desperately life-affirming. I have a feeling, though, that 2007 is going to be good, even despite the fact that so far I have been feeling quite ill for most of it.
So, Happy New Year! Oh, and here is the magical pony, trotting along merrily on the window sill. I love her jauntily raised front leg and swishy tail. She doesn't have a name yet, so all suggestions would be most welcome.

It is beautiful.
I would say call it Prancer but that doesn't seem magical enough.
Happy New Year!
Dancinfairy :o)
4:11 pm
That pony looks like a Claudia.
Oh yes it does.
Happy New Year.
4:48 pm
Magical Ponies should have Magical Names. Paul Daniels, for example.
My Little Paul Daniels. A toy range to frighten children the world over.
My job? Is extremely dull.
Happy new year!
5:14 pm
Magical Pony does it for me.
I think 'avoid sambuca' is all the resolution anyone should need, really.
Happy New Year to you too. I hope it is as good as your feeling says it will be.
7:54 pm
It's so nice to have the follow up of the picture of the pony! So many bloggers leave you hanging. Will we get to see some of its magic?
And to Betty: Is Claudia the girl with the Hamster?
8:03 pm
Happy New Year. Hope it's a funky one.
In light of me doubting anyone would called a magic pony "Adrian", which I think is a great name for a magic pony, but not sure anyone would concur.
How about
Adriann (note the double nn, which isn't the same as Adrian at all, no no, completely different)
or failing that ...
how about ...
um ...
Tony the Pony.
(I'm not very good at this I see)
Anyway happy new year again.
10:49 pm
that pony, is made of actual magic. it probably knows its name actually...
how are its little circley things joined togther?
10:44 am
Very cool looking magical pony.
3:46 pm
Did you have to put the Pony together yourself? I'm sure there was some kind of magical birth invovled really.
And can you eat it? It looks like several candy necklaces put together.
Happy New Year!
5:31 pm
Why why why would you avoid sambucca? Omg.. that is just wrong. Sambucca should be celebrated, never avoided. :)
And the pony is quite stunning really. Love her!
8:28 pm
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