Friday, September 23, 2005

What begins with 'W' and is even better than Whitton?

Friday springs upon us, like this: spu-RING!

Hello, Friday. You're my very favourite.

Apart from Saturday. Although it could be argued that Friday night is better than Saturday, because there's the weekend stretching ahead of you in a lounging, velveteen manner. Tantalising you with its very best 'Come out and play, do with me what you will, for I am Weekend, and I am your bitch' look.


I have rehearsal tomorrow and then a party on Saturday night, where I will see some people I haven't seen in a while. It's a party in a garden, where there will be a marquee and beer, probably. No, definitely. There will definitely be beer and a marquee. There is also a kind of relaxed cowboy theme. By which I mean that the theme will be relaxed, not too strict, as opposed to meaning that we'll all dress in cowboy hats and leather chaps and just lassoo (sp?) some cows and stuff, but, like, be all laid back and kind of 'meh' about the whole thing.

I do love dressing up.
Today I am wearing my 'twenty-something young lady in an office with no dress-code and who enjoys wearing ripped stuff and inappropriate red lipstick' costume. People are totally falling for it. I also am wearing the ring, instead of the stud, in my nose. So punk rock, aren't I? What? Oh, no, you're right, I'm not. I did just do a pirouette* in the middle of the office, though. That's pretty cool.

*Pirouette = sticking arms above head, adopting serious expression, then flinging self in a circular motion with wild abandon.

My God I have to stop typing, I think I might be talking shit.

Have a lovely weekend, my (sometimes I think my only) friends.


Blogger Kelly said...

Woo hoo FRIDAY. Count down to beer and....well beer is a great start!

I am not doing the pirouette but I have been doing the happy dance ( bad holding arms out at waist level and moving in a circular motion - like drawing circles with my wrists and general bodily jigging!)

Happy, happy Friday. You are our true friend!

4:17 pm

Blogger Anon said...

Winning is a 'W' and it’s a lot better than Whitton (well, in my opinion... never been Whitton).

Winning a football match,

Winning a game of Golf,

Winning a game of chicken, oh, erm, I don't do that anymore, they were my younger rebellious years…

And, most importantly, ‘Winning’ an assault compensation claim!!!!! Now that ones a lot better than Whitton in my case.

4:19 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay! I'm a friend!

and no matter what anyone else says, I'm sure the nose ring instead of the stud it much more hottter.

2:51 am

Blogger Bug said...

You know what's even better?? A Wicked Weekend With Wine. Specifically, being totally sozzled from Friday afternoon to Sunday night

Gnarly :)

I'm your friend, right? Let's be friends. It'll be fun. And C had better be our friend too cos it sounds like it's his shout from now on in!

12:38 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

its nearly tuesday! which is nearly friday again! (well, sort of, at least to me- given that this will be my first non working saturday since starting work.

did you tape record and jeremy kyle yet..?

11:18 pm

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9:31 pm

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9:32 pm


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