Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What if...?

I fail.

My songs are shit.

I never escape.

The flat doesn't happen and I live at home for ever.

The flat does work and I move in and lose control of my finances.

I've already lost control of my finances.

My songs are shit.

I become so competitive that I lose myself.

I stop caring about anyone but myself.

My dreams are only fantasies.

It never happens.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bad things won't happen. Trust me.

Oh, except maybe the finances thing. But that happens to everyone. ;-)

*great big cyber-hug*

12:42 pm

Blogger Adrian said...

I'm sure yours songs aren't shit. You're writing online is lovely and I'm sure you songs will be too.

And finances can always be gained back in control.

And you sound very much not like a person who cares only about herself.

It's good to have dreams. It means you know what you want. You'll be fine.

12:50 pm

Blogger h said...

Relax babe, it is all good. Put your feet up. It is 2006 remember.

1:55 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heart you.

Chin up!

11:41 pm


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